Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The long awaited second post

Today, something weird and interesting happened. A bird fell out of the sky. It happened during gym training. At around 5.30 pm, I suddenly heard a loud "thud" from behind me. I turned around, and there it was, lying spread-eagled on the ground. It looked so pitiful lying on the ground. It was flapping its wings feebly, and was squirming in apparent discomfort of the number of people that had surrounded it. I bent down and looked at the bird, and from this closer distance, I could see that its wing was hurt. The whole thing was bent at an awkward angle and some feathers were missing.
Then, a coach came over and picked it. A lot of people commented that it looked very cute when they could see it upright, probably because it was a baby bird. I, however, was indifferent to how it looked. A few of us went to get their handphones or cameras and began snapping away. Some even took the bird into their hands and struk poses for the camera. Being camera-shy, I naturally shied away from all the flashing lights.
After everyone had seen enough, another coach took it out of the gymnasium and released it back into the wild.
Well, that was that. This is the first time such a thing has happened to me, and I haope that you have enjoyed this post!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Justin,
    Just a few questions( I'm starting to sound like Darrel). Anyway, how does a bird get into the gymnasium? Isn't the gymnasium the place near the canteen, and isn't it an enclosed area with a ceiling? Secondly, what happened to the bird after you released it? I thought you mentioned that it injured its wings and could not fly?

    Yew Pheng
